We Strengthen Our Community

United Way of San Diego County


To spark breakthrough community action that elevates every child and family toward a brighter future.


United Way envisions a vibrant community built on opportunity for everyone.

About United Way of San Diego County

We strengthen our community when we align with partners and leverage our resources to transform lives.

UWSD works in alignment with partners to address inequities in our region and help underserved communities. Together, we leverage the use of data and our partners’ expertise to better understand root causes, and put impactful solutions into action.

Today, in partnership with others, we use shared goals, innovation, and proven practices to resolve inequities and transform the lives of children, young adults, and families.


We align community and corporate partners, educators, government, and philanthropists towards a common goal.


We leverage data, resources, best practices, and expertise to make an impact on our most challenging issues.


Together with others, we transform the day-to-day reality for hundreds of children and families.

woman hands toy to child in truck

For 100 years…

United Way of San Diego County has worked in alignment with partners to address inequities in our region and help underserved communities. We have stayed vital to this community in great part due to the rich relationships we share with our corporate and community partnerships.

San Diego has always been a community of change, and ever since we began in 1920, our organization has proudly met that challenge, adapting to the needs of a region in transition. Our efforts to continue being a community of change, to continue transforming lives, are as critical as ever. The urgency is now.


We align community and corporate partners, educators,  government, and philanthropists towards a common goal.


We leverage data, resources, best practices, and expertise to make an impact on our most challenging issues.


49% of our county’s third graders don’t read at the grade level they need.


Most high school & community college students aren’t qualified for the 29K available jobs.


50% of local families struggle to make ends meet in San Diego County.


Our challenge is making the systemic changes that will reach hundreds of thousands of children and families.